'Cloud Hosting'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2020.04.29 SCVMM 2012R2 VM생성 오류(error 2912)

VM생성시 SCVMM오류:

error (2912)

An internal error has occurred trying to contact the HostServer.COM server: NO_PARAM: NO_PARAM.

WinRM: URL: [http://HostServer.com:5985], Verb: [INVOKE], Method: [GetError], Resource: [http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wmi/root/microsoft/bits/BitsClientJob?JobId={C823CCE8-1A96-4656-88F4-442E2850C0A9}]

Unknown error (0x80072f05)

Recommended Action

Check that WS-Management service is installed and running on server HostServer.COM. For more information use the command "winrm helpmsg hresult". If HostServer.COM is a host/library/update server or a PXE server role then ensure that VMM agent is installed and running. Refer to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2742275 for more details.


SCVMM인증서 5년 사용기간 만료로 인함



SCVMM연결된 Host서버 및 파일서버 인증서 갱신진행:

SCVMM 인증서 갱신:


Host/File 서버 인증서 갱신:


  1. 각 서버 Certificates=>Personal=>Certificates에서 인증서 삭제
  2. SCVMM서버에서 각 서버 인증서 등록 PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-SCVMMManagedComputer -ComputerName “HostServer.COM | Register-SCVMMManagedComputer -Credential $credential
Posted by 시스템매니아