수집된 Trace 파일(.trc)를 분석해 주는 utility인 RML 툴이 SQL Server 2005와 2000 겸용으로 새롭게 release되었다.


SQL Server 2000용으로 사용되던 Read80Trace.exe는 범용적인 이름인 ReadTrace.exe으로 바뀌었다. 차기 버전인 SQL Server 2008을 염두고 두고 있음을 알 수 있는 항목이다.

Help 파일인 RML Help.xps를 보기 위해서는 .NET Framework 3.5 가 필요하고, 없을 경우에 설치를 시도한다.


다음은 ReadTrace.exe에서 사용할 수 있는 parameter 들에 대한 설명이다.

D:\Program Files\Microsoft Corporation\RML\ReadTrace.exe /?

ReadTrace version 9.00.0023 (X86)


NOTE: All command line arguments are case sensitive

-I  File name of the first .TRC file to process [REQUIRED]

-i  If specified, indicates that the .TRC file(s) to process are present inside a CAB/ZIP file with this file name

-o  Full path of directory to place output files [default is current directory]

-S  Name of SQL Server 2005 server to connect to when loading performance analysis data [default is (local)]

-d  Database to use when loading performance data [default is PerfAnalysis].

     User specified below must have CREATE DATABASE permission (if DB doesn't

     exist) or be part of the db_owner role if the database already exists.

-E  Connect to SQL using Windows Authentication [default]

-U  Connect to SQL using this user name

-P  Password for the user specified in -U option

-a  Disable performance analysis

-f  Do not produce .RML output files for each SPID

-Q  Do normalization parse using quoted_identifier OFF symantics.  (Default is ON)

-r# Read at most this # of files (including the first) [default is all files

    until a break in the rollover file sequence is detected].

-M  Mirror trace files by SPID to the specified output directory (All SPIDs

    will be output even if SPID filter is specified)

-MF Mirror trace files by SPID to the specified output directory (Only SPIDs

   matching filter parameters will be output)

-A  'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Applicaiton Names

-H  'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events with Host Names

-s# 'INCLUDE or EXCLUDE' events from specified SPIDs

-b  Provide a designated start time in required format 2000-05-25 11:46:20:060

-e  Provide a designated stop time in required format  2000-05-25 11:46:20:060

-D  Skip date on log file output

-?  Show usage of command line parameters


ReadTrace -Iserver__sp_trace.trc -ic:\temp\traces.cab -oc:\temp\output -f

ReadTrace -I"c:\my traces\80AllEvents.trc" -o"c:\my output"

ReadTrace -Ioutput\SQLSRV1__sp_trace_20.trc -ic:\temp\pssdiag.zip -oc:\temp\breakout -f -r2



Description of the Replay Markup Language (RML) Utilities for SQL Server


RML Utilities for Microsoft SQL Server Released




한기환 :-)

Posted by 시스템매니아